Sept. 17th 11am-5pm Altendorfer Str. / Altendorf.
I have been to Altendorf several times in my life, but never associated it with a particular green place. For the event Grün Auf! Altendorf, I was asked to visit four "green" places and record their soundscapes. I love exploring a city by sound and was surprised and impressed already by the first location I visited. "The Lorengarten". Hidden behind a "Penny Markt" and walled in on the three other sides by houses, the busy sound of the Altendorfer Str. vanishes and makes room for birds bees and, in my case, the meditating drops of light rain on the garden shed. Listen on headphones to this collage and three more collages I made while looking at pics I took, printed on wood 120x120cm on the 17th.
In addition, in between the programm on the two stages, you can here more sounds, that I captured in Essen. And on top, a rowboat will set of on the water with my sounds. You can check on my recording process for the last one on my blog.
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